Understanding Java: Homework Guide

Java is a programming language in computers. It works on C++, making it have a simple-to-use language. Programmers can write computer instructions without using numeric codes but with the use of English-based commands. People refer to it as a high-level language since we can read and write it with ease. Similar to any other language such as English, Java also has a set of rules. These rules we use in determining the way we write instructions. The term we can use to call these rules is Java syntax. Once you write a program, the high-level instructions translate to numeric codes. The computer uses these numeric codes to understand and execute.

The Creator of Java

The creation of Java dates back to the early 90s. The original name people know is Oak. The second name is Green before becoming Java. The brain behind this is a team from Sun Microsystems with James Gosling as the leader. Now the company belongs to Oracle.

The year is 1996. Java is to be in digital mobile devices like cellphones, but the objective changes when Java 1.0 is made available to the public. Now it switches its use to the internet as it provides user interactivity. Interactivity is possible as it gives developers a way to develop web pages that are animated. Updates on Java include J2SE 1.3 in 2000, J2SE 5.0 and Java SE8 in 2004, and Java SE 10 back in 2018.

As the updates occur, Java is now a language that we can use both online and offline.

Reasons to Use Java

The principles behind the creation of Java make it easy to decide on using this language for programming.

  • Ease of Use: C++, as the source of Java fundamentals, is a powerful programming language. Its syntax is complex and inadequate for other Java’s requirements. Java has improvements using the ideas from C++ to provide a language that is simple to use and powerful at the same time.
  • Reliability: Java is robust as it packs together data and its manipulation in a single place. It is possible to execute this as a result of the introduction of object-oriented programming.
  • Security: Who does not consider safety in any sector key? Java is a secure programming language in the current times. Its first target being mobile devices; the security is up to standards.
  • Platform Independence: Regardless of the machine you are using, programs should work. Java is portable and is a cross-platform language that does not discriminate on the hardware, operating system, or devices it is running on. We should appreciate the genius work from the team at Sun Microsystems for creating such a marvel.

By combining all these vital principles, Java is very popular. It is portable, easy to use, robust, and a secure programming language.

Mastering the Java language of programming comes with a lot. You can have a career out of it or create websites for yourself. To begin your programming in Java, you need to find and download the Java development kit. You should then install it, then run it. You can use an introductory tutorial to help you in writing your Java program. Do not limit yourself to one language, you can learn the others as well.

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